Rooks have embraced science and technology, inventing nanos to create any machine they need. The Terraquois, however, have embraced the spiritual and developed a deep bond with nature. This bond allows them to shift into the animal that resembles their true inner selves. These two races have fought each other with brutal savagery for centuries, but a new threat called the Blak Army has emerged and its evil is matched only by its ruthlessness.
Read the story of Kendra Henner and her pack of monster-fighting werewolves. After getting a tattoo to make a change, she wakes up the next day stronger , more agile, and more beautiful than ever before. It's not long before she realizes she's a werewolf. She didn't ask to be a werewolf and especially didn't want to be their Alpha but that's not going to stop her from making the best of the situation.
Broke, desperate, and on the verge of getting kicked out of college, Alex Porter decides to sign up for a medical experiment to get enough money to pay his tuition. But he’s scared to go alone and signs up his best friend, Darius Clark, to do it with him. The drug trial bombards them with immense pain but they come out the other side not only with the money but something else too. Superpowers.
Hybrid Earth follows the story of Officer Xander Hastings and his Orb, Link. Together they try to keep track of the chaos and make sure innocent people aren't caught in the crossfire. It's a tough job, especially in a world where nearly everyone has abilities and he has none. Even though he is constantly outmatched by beings more powerful than himself, he still finds a way to get the job done.

Gamut Worlds is my newest venture. It combines a lot of my loves, and especially my love for creating. It's a mutli-purpose company comprised of Gamut Press (which offers all my books), Gamut Media (with podcasts like the Legends of Fiction Podcast), Gamut Games (like Proelia), and the online literary magazine called Worlds. Check it out now.